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Pet Care Books

245 Healthy Recipes For Dogs
- do you have a pet with a health problem or would you lihealthy dogke to know that you are doing everything you can to keep your beloved pet healthy and by your side for many, many years?

With these healthy food recipes you can improve your pet's health and give them a more comfortable and active lifestyle. There are homemade, healthy recipes for dog food, treats, dog bones and biscuits. There is even a recipe for Dog Shampoo that is great to help relieve a dog's dry skin and give them a beautiful shiney coat of hair.

Learn more how to help your dog to get healthy and stay that way for years to come: Healthy Recipes For Dogs

How To Protect Your Pet From Fleas - is your cat or dog constantly scratching? Is it driving them Protect Your Pet From Fleascrazy as well as you? Maybe they have even scratched themselves until they are bleeding and have no hair in many spots.

Have fleas taken over your home as well; even been embarrassed by having visitors to your home biten by fleas? Maybe your cat has tapeworms from eating fleas.

If you have tried flea collars, flea baths and various home remedies and you are losing the battle then you need help.

This ebook will give you ways to get rid of fleas and keep them from coming back.


Veterinary Secrets Revealed - if you have a pet that you dearly love then you need to listen up here to this Veterinary Secrets Revealed Ebookveterinarian that has learned himself that conventional medicine may be harming your pet.

When Dr. Andrew Jones lost his love Hoochie to a spleen tumor and cancer he begin to question what he did to his own pet and to other people's pets.

He began to realize that most Veterinarians, including himself, were actually making pets sicker by trying to heal them through technological advances.

There were three main mistakes that he made with Hoochie and that other veterinarians are making with your pets as well.

To learn more about these mistakes and what to do to protect your beloved pet check out Dr. Jones Veterinary Secrets Revealed.


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